F?r at le??t 40,000 ?e?r? Abor?gine? h?ve liv?d in and c?ll?d Au?tr?l?a h?me. How?ver the l?ves of Indigen?u? Au?trali?ns ch?ng?d in 1770 wh?n Eur?p??n whit? m?n, unf?irly t?ok ???se???on ?f the l?nd (S?m???n,1997). The? wr?ngl? de?l?r?d th? c?untry terr? nullius, l?nd ?wn?d b? n? on?, and dr?mat??all? d??r???ed the p??ulat?on ?f the ?b?r?g?ne? due? t? th??r ?nva???n. Onl? in th? p??t d??ad? h?? Au?tr?li?n l?w r???gn??ed that pr??r to 1770 Ind?g?n?u? ?e?pl? d?d live ?n the l?nd, and in knowing th?s, th? High Court of Au?tr?l?? r?ject?d t?rr? null?u? from our l?w. This ?verturn how?ver, did not and st?ll d?es n?t ?ddr?s? the f??t th?t Euro?e?n? to?k l?nd from Aborigines with no ?on??nt ?r agr??ment. Eur??e?n, C??ta?n pound off down?s C?ok, ?rr?v?d ?n B?t?ny B??, ?n th? ??uth-???tern ?oast ?f Au?tr?li? in 1770. He ?l??med p???e??ion ?f th? ???t ?o??t ?f c?untr? for Britain und?r th? d?ctrine of terra nulliu? (ra???mnow??.??m.?u). Th?s do?trin? wa? part ?f ?nt?rn?tion?l l?w, whi?h st?t?d th?t Brit?in c?uld t?ke ???s??sion ?f ?n?th?r ?ountr? ?f it w?? un?nh?b?t?d, if the indigen?u? p???le gav? th?m ??rm?s???n, ?r ?f th?? trouncing?d th?t ??untry ?n war. H?w?v?r Brita?n d?d n?t f?ll?w th?se conventionalism? ?n Austr?l??, and ?ct?d as th?ugh the c?untr? w?s un?nhab?ted. Th? l?nd w?s d??l?r?d t?rra nulliu? and fre? f?r a?professional person?riat?on.

It h?? been d?bat?d that thi? ???urred b??ause Austr?li? w?s th? onl? ?ountr? ?n th? w?rld where Ind?gen?u? people w?re n?t r?c?gn???d, th?r?f?r? n? ??n?ent w?? ne?d?d. H?wev?r th? Br?t??h G?v?rnment m?y h?v? ?ur??s?ly n?t a?t?d ?n ????rd?nc? with th ? ?nt?rn?t??n?l l?w ?f th? t?me. Either w?? ! Au?tr?l?an l?nd w?s d?cl?r?d empt? as ?f th? Aborig?n?? did n?t exi?t. Th?s? ?f diff?r?nt ?ultur?, l?nguage ?nd l?f?st?le unfa?rl? ?la?m?d their h?me. Pr?or t? Au?tr?lia b??ng t? survey ?ver b? Eur????ns, Ab?rigin?? l?v?d un?qu? ?nd d?ffe teardrop l?v?? t? th? r??t ?f th? w?rld. They l?v?d in hundred? ?f d?ff?rent trib?? all ?ver th? country, ?nd ea?h sp?ke ?ep?r?t?...If you want to get a across-the-board essay, order it on our website:
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